Potable water storage tanks such as service reservoirs and contact tanks are rarely taken out of service. When they are it is generally to allow routine maintenance such as cleaning and disinfection.
Our teams clean and inspect hundreds of potable water assets across the UK each year and because of this, they have an extensive comparative data set by which to assess your assets needs.
Working with leading water companies, best practice organisations and regulators we are at the forefront of flood testing advancements, this ensures your asset receives an appropriate flood test to identify any risks to stored water quality.
Fully trained teams provide first aid cover, confined space access equipment and lighting, meaning they can take on the inspection from start to finish allowing your in-house resource to concentrate on other activities.
Offsite specialist support in the fields of microbiological, chemical and civil engineering allows the teams to provide technical advice on a wide range of tank issues.
Choose from three standardised levels of reporting based on our templates or if required request a bespoke inspection focusing on the key areas of interest.
In addition to current service level agreement targets of one-week turnover from onsite inspection to submitted report, any findings that could impact on stored water quality are reported immediately to the client.
Where possible our multi-skilled teams will complete localised repairs on the day allowing the asset to be returned to service with minimal delay.
Whether it is to complete a single inspection or complete an assessment of your whole asset base we are ideally placed to provide the full service.
To request an example survey please contact the team on via info@pantonmcleod.co.uk or 01896 663 330
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