Fast, safe and cost-effective water quality inspections identify key risks, help plan maintenance, reduce the cost of whole life ownership and drive better asset performance. Asset data is either captured while the asset remains full and/or in service using dedicated potable water robotic equipment or during planned shutdown using confined space entry.
Pressure has never been higher on the water industry to improve water quality while also reducing overall cost. Key to this challenge is the ability to accurately prioritise investment. Our team can assist by providing standardised asset reports grading condition, all data is captured electronically and held centrally for later assessment.
Using HD cameras assets can be inspected while in operation. While fully loaded any stress related defects can be seen in their true state. The removal of often lengthy and costly isolation planning means that large numbers of assets can be inspected within a short period allowing investment prioritisation ahead of a proactive funding period.
Where appropriate the ROV can also be used to trace expected leakage route, approved tracers can be injected at the point of suspected leakage while the asset is full and under full loading.
To discuss any specific requirements please get in touch
Additional inspection services provided include:
Dead Spot Sampling™ - Dead Spot Sampling allows water companies to take once inaccessible samples. Previously only the inlet and outlet positions could be sampled. Now with the use of our dedicated potable water ROV equipment, various and numerous positions and heights within a service reservoir, contact tank or water tower can be reached. If required it could also be used to remotely dose the asset.
Flood Testing - Working with leading water companies, best practice organisations and regulators we are at the forefront of flood testing advancements, this ensures your asset receives an appropriate flood test to identify any risks to stored water.
Dye Injection - Where appropriate, our ROV’s can also be used to trace expected leakage route, approved tracers can be injected at the point of suspected leakage while the asset is full and under full loading.
Underwater ROV surveys now include the option for converting the HD video into interactive surveys and digital twin models with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning that accurately replicate physical assets.
The software learns common faults and can then automatically locate those on digital models across the network and compares fault changes over time to predict the best time for intervention - See the video above, for more information on this exciting new development.
To find out more about our Digital ROV Surveys, visit
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