Glossary of Terms
Contact UsWe understand there's a lot of terminology that can be confusing. So we've taken the time to define some of the most common terms that we think our clients should know!
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. |
Autonomous | Cable-less multi-sensor pipeline inspection with integrated leak detection |
Biofouling | Fouling of underwater pipes and other surfaces by organisms such as barnacles and algae. |
Biomimicry | The design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modelled on biological entities and processes. |
Cryptosporidium | Parasitic coccidian protozoan found in the intestinal tract of many vertebrates, where it sometimes causes disease. |
Digital Twin | A digital replica of physical assets, processes and systems that can be used for various purposes. |
Disinfection | Removal or inactivation of pathogens in water by chemical treatment. |
Dosing | To blend with another substance. Often using sodium bisulphate to dechlorinate chlorinated water, or using chlorine to raise chlorine PPM in water. |
Hydrocarbon | A class of organic compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon. Presence of hydrocarbons in water is indicative of water quality. |
Inspection | Inspection refers to formal examination and evaluation of an area, system or component for flaws or defects. |
Lining | Linings are structural epoxy pipes adhering to the interior of pipes to protect the surface from corrosion and to prevent the leaking of fluids. |
Potable Water | Water which is safe to drink. |
Rehabilitation | Restore or rebuild something – whether man-made or within a natural environment – to its previous condition. |
Sediment | Material that settles at the bottom of a liquid. Within natural environments, sediment is generally that material comprised of dirt or sand. |
Service Reservoir | Service reservoirs store fully treated potable water close to the point of distribution. |
Sludge | Sludge refers to a wet, viscous substance which is a mixture of solid and liquid components. |
Snagging | Checking a new structure for minor faults that need to be rectified. |
Stagnation | Water stagnation occurs when water stops flowing. Stagnant water can be a major environmental hazard. |
Stratification | When water masses with different properties - salinity, oxygenation, density, temperature - form layers that act as barriers to water mixing. |
Trenchless | A type of subsurface construction work that requires few trenches or no continuous trenches. |
Trihalomethanes (THMs) | Chemicals formed along with other disinfection by-products when chlorine/disinfectants react with naturally occurring matter in water. |
Water Disinfection By-Products | Some disinfection methods leave residue in the water, others can combine with organic matter to create tri-halomethanes, known carcinogens. |
Water Quality Control | A process defined to monitor, report, and act on information relative to maintaining a prescribed quality of water; may be automated. |
Water Treatment Plant | Facilities designed for the filtration and disinfection of a water supply |
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