Welcome to our online media channel - EddyVision
This is our world famous collection of short videos aimed at informing, educating, providing technical insights and sometimes just entertaining - limited only by Eddy's imagination and creativity. A wide variety of content in the form of interviews, animations, presentations, webinar clips and everything in between.
Please get in touch via eddy.mcleod@pantonmcleod.co.uk

Confinded Space Drone - Going places no human can!
DWI Reg 31 Approval for Tank Mixers
The Benefits of Robotic Sediment Removal
Today on EddyVision, we talk to Connor Flockhart, Account Executive at Panton McLeod, who is responsible for client management. Connor talks us through a typical robotic sediment removal job and the health and safety benefits of using our enhanced cleaning technology to reduce downtime and save time and money.
The Institute of Water Magazine with Martin Jameson
How to Maintain The Perfect Service Reservoir
A lot of our time is spent talking to clients about asset management. There are lots of challenges in managing treated water storage in a water distribution network. Today on EddyVision we look at the recommended steps that work well in the maintenance of the perfect service reservoir. From monitoring and inspection to the latest in digital twin models and enhanced cleaning, it's all covered.
Our Latest Inspection Job With our Confined Space Drone
This week on EddyVision, we are on site with Jim Panton where he talks about the latest inspection job using a Confined Space Drone. He talks about the unsafe nature of the asset and the potential risk associated with an inspection using human entry. Finally, he talks about the benefits of using a Confined Space Drone including the ability to inspect at height without the need to erect scaffolding, the 4K and thermal cameras and the oblique lighting.
Pipeline Commissioning & Disinfection – Early Involvement Saves Money!
On EddyVision this week we talk to Neil Shepherd, Pipelines Account Executive at Panton McLeod about pipeline commissioning and disinfection. Neil talks about the typical length of time a pipeline commissioning job takes as well as what is involved in the process. Neil talks about the reasons to get the commissioning aspect of your project sorted at an early stage so that the whole process runs smoothly.
Perform Safe, Fast & Cost-Effective Inspections!
Are you still spending thousands on complex confined space safety measures or on scaffolding to view difficult to reach places? Our new high-tech confined space drone reaches places other options can’t do as safely and as cost effectively. Recently we have been inspecting assets across the UK for many of our clients. So, if you want to keep your workforce out of harm’s way while performing flawless inspections using cutting edge drone data capture capabilities, then this video is for you!
Do you want to clean it, or do you want to clean it properly?
Our proprietary cleaning system can effectively break down and remove stubborn iron and manganese bio-fouling and staining. This is a common issue in water systems, including service reservoirs, and poses a bacteria harbouring risk to water quality. It is also laboratory proven to neutralise serious bacteriological risks including cryptosporidium that are resistant to traditional cleaning techniques.
Benefits of ROV Inspections with ROV Pilot - Kev Friedl
On EddyVision this week we talk to Kev Friedl, ROV Pilot at Panton McLeod about the benefits of ROV inspections against other methods of entry. He talks about the type of client that requests ROV inspections as well as the assets that typically need this type of survey. Finally, he talks about recent work undertaken on fire water tanks for industrial and commercial clients across the UK and Ireland.
Theory Driven Data with Dr Vanessa Speight
On EddyVision this week we talk to Dr Vanessa Speight, Senior Research Fellow in Integrated Water Systems from the University of Sheffield. She talks to us about using big data techniques to understand the huge body of data collected in the water industry and how to gain useful information. Algorithms as powerful as they are cannot be relied on alone; there must be a theory-driven approach, something that we at Panton McLeod strongly agree with!
Surf's up at Scottish Water!
Neal Edmondson, Business Development Manager at Panton McLeod, talks about an exciting development in the robotic inspection of tunnels and aqueducts. Following the successful trial run of a 2km aqueduct in Scotland with a prototype platypus inspector. Neal talks about the many benefits of a robotic approach to inspection including reduced confined space entry, high-quality imagery, lidar capabilities, sonar, 3D modeling and inspecting while the asset is still live without the need for drain down.
Ensuring Quality across the Business
Gary Flockhart, SHEQ Manager at Panton McLeod, talks about the recent double confirmation that the business has the highest standard quality systems in place.
Gary is responsible for all things Safety, Health, Environment & Quality and he talks about two recent external audits of the company, the results and what it takes to achieve 100% on a regular basis.
NWG - Leading the way in Industry Innovation
This week on EddyVision, we talk to Helen Guy, Project Engineer from Northumbrian Water Group about the recent installation of two PAX mixers in one of their reservoirs. Helen explains how NWG are taking a different approach to improving the water quality at their sites and how they want to to lead the way with a more innovative approach to tackling a very common problem.
'Harnessing the Power of Data' - Scott McGoldrick, Scrum Master
Scott McGoldrick from Panton McLeod talks about what they are doing to harness the power of the data that they hold on assets across the UK. Talking about the hundreds of thousands of data points that Panton McLeod have on historical records and what the company is now doing to make this accessible to decision-makers. He talks about the challenges of capturing data in a consistent manner and making this information available on a cloud-based platform.
NEW Gravity Filter Bed Cleaning method set to reduce costs by UP TO 70%!
Iain Ross from Scottish Water talks about the latest innovation in gravity filter bed cleaning. He talks about why they wanted to use a new method to clean their filter beds and the steps involved in the enhanced cleaning technique. Finally, he talks about the benefits of using this latest methodology including savings, time, health and safety as well as the environmental payback.
Service Reservoirs and how they impact Water Quality
Anastasia Doronina, PhD Researcher at Sheffield University talks to us about her research into service reservoirs and how they impact water quality downstream. She tells us about her focus on understanding how their performance changes across different sites and the impacts on water quality parameters.
The benefits of robotic cleans and ROVs to Northumbrian Water
This week on EddyVision we talk to Paul Richardson from Northumbrian Water about a recent ROV Inspection and the benefits of using robotics in strategically important assets that need to remain in service. He explains that they have several assets that need to remain in service to ensure customers continue to receive a supply of quality drinking water. Paul talks about the benefits that a robotic approach to cleaning and inspection gives NWL and their customers.
Harnessing the power of data
Ahead of our webinar on the 26 July we catch up with Dr Duncan Bury about the potential of data in the water industry and how we can harness that data to improve business performance.
Duncan talks about what data means to him, the parallels with his experience in the automotive industry and the huge volumes of data that is available in the water industry but is currently not being utilised to improve decision making.
Panton McLeod employees qualify as Mental Health First Aiders
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course, designed to teach people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. Earlier this month three employees from Panton McLeod qualified as Mental Health First Aiders. We caught up with them to find out why having Mental Health First Aiders in the workplace is valuable and what it means for our employees.
The importance of understanding Storage Assets and how they operate
We talk to Dr Vanessa Speight, Senior Research Fellow in Integrated Water Systems at the University of Sheffield.
Vanessa talks to Jim Panton about why it is important to learn how to operate storage assets in order to maintain water quality at it's best.
Why science matters in the cleaning of Service Reservoir
Our Chief Executive, Jim Panton starts a discussion on the best way to achieve water quality in the distribution network using enhanced cleaning methods. Our view on the best way to clean a service reservoir – avoiding high pressure washing! High pressure can do damage to an asset while not necessarily achieving an effective clean. We don’t want to damage your valuable assets. What do you think? Why not join the discussion and give us your views?
How to Maintain the Perfect Service Reservoir
Most of our clients face several challenges in managing treated water storage in a water distribution network. Today on EddyVision we look at the steps we have seen work well in the maintenance of the perfect service reservoir. From monitoring and inspection to the latest in digital twin models, if you are involved in the distribution network then this video is for you!
THM Reduction with Ethan Brooke, UGSI Solutions
We talk to Ethan from UGSI Solutions about THM’s and the challenges that can be faced in dealing with them. Ethan explains that by creating the correct conditions in a storage tank, THM’s can be taken from liquid form to a gas in order to remove them. He talks about adding active headspace ventilation systems as well as additional equipment to increase the surface area for mass transfer.
Flying into the Future with our confined space drone!
Are you still spending thousands on complex confined space safety measures or on scaffolding to view difficult to reach places? Our new high-tech confined space drone reaches places other options can’t do as safely and as cost effectively. So, if you value water quality and safety, then this option is for you.
University of Sheffield pipe dreams laboratory
This week we caught up with Dr Vanessa Speight, Senior Research Fellow in Integrated Water Systems (Water Distribution and Water Quality). She gives us a peak at the pipe dreams laboratory and explains how they look into the microbiology, the chemistry and the hydraulics of a distribution system without disturbing a real-world network.
Residual Control Systems in the Distribution Network
This week we caught up with Tom Caulfield from UGSI Solutions and asked him about the challenges he faced while working as an operator in the USA. He explains the benefit of introducing a smart and automated disinfectant residual boosting system and how this can positively impact water quality compliance and efficient introduction of disinfection in the distribution network.
New Partnership with Mackenzie Construction
Why are we so excited? It’s the thought of taking 25 years of Panton McLeod water quality expertise and blending it with a water sector focused civil engineering and structural repairs capability that is second to none. With a shared ethos and commitment to continuous improvement, the synergy between Panton McLeod and Mackenzie Construction offers a clear focus on safety, people, quality and sustainability.
Robotic Sediment Removal
Why has robotic sediment removal been so popular with our key clients? Simple; there’s no need to take a strategically important asset offline which avoids network impact. Taking a robotic approach to many tasks will be a key innovation focus for the water industry over the next few years and it can be hard to imagine what that looks like. We wanted to share some footage of what that looks like now!
Private Water Supplies
We talk to Matt Bower, Operations Team Leader from the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland (DWQR), about private water supplies and some of the challenges that can arise. It’s the responsibility of the owners to maintain water quality and there are many issues that they need to consider.
Reducing Bacti Failures
Many of our clients highlight the high level of importance associated with reducing the number of Bacti Failures they experience in their water storage assets. Having investigated historical bacti failures, one of our clients has now drawn a noticeable link between dropping residual levels immediately before a bacti failure occurrence.
Leakage - Finding hard to reach leaks
Some industry sources suggest that as much as 80% of leakage comes from 20% of the leaks. The MTA Pipe Inspector specialises in finding hard to reach leaks. This video is an example of how Pipe Inspector found two leaks in the middle of Washington DC.
Work Hard, Play Hard!
This is a video that one of our teams put together, unprompted, for a bit of a giggle. We like how it reflects our values so much that we decided to share it with the world. Before any Hollywood execs come calling - they’re our production experts and you can’t have them!
Digitisation in the Water Industry - Rob Mustard, Director of Scottish Water
The digital footprint we expect to see in a modern-day water industry system is continuing to change. The appetite for instant information and instant results is becoming more apparent, but challenges are arising for how the water industry present those results in a meaningful manner.

Panton McLeod Webinars
At Panton McLeod we love to talk about water quality and the latest developments and innovations across the water industry. We will be holding regular webinars on topics from ROV’s to best practice cleaning methods. You can watch our recorded webinars here and you can sign up to our newsletter to take part in the upcoming events.
Active Mixing for Water Quality in Distribution
PM100 Bio-Foul removal agent used below the water line to clean wells
Nigel Watson, Director of Northumbrian Water Group talks Innovation
Service Reservoir Maintenance in Scotland with Matt Bower, DWQR
The Importance of Service Reservoir Maintenance with Simon Parsons
'Water Treatment' in Distribution with Tom Caulfield
Our live webinar in conjunction with our US partners UGSI, looking at water treatment beyond the treatment plant; mixing, THM reduction and Residual Control in distribution.
Gravity Filter Bed Cleaning...Yorkshire Water
We look at utilising our PM Solution in the cleaning of Gravity Filter Beds. Iron & Manganese bio-fouling reduces the performance of gravity filter beds causing blocked airlines & nozzles which reduces backwash and air scour performance.
A Short Interview with...Paul Horton
Jim Panton talks to Paul Horton, CEO of Future Water Association about the challenges facing the water industry in the next five year period, including the increasing importance of innovation for operations and maintenance.
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